PCR Help Get Vaccine / PCR 帮助接种疫苗Oct 15, 2021PCR volunteers helping local residents overcome the language barrier Get vaccinated at NYC mobile vaccine buses. Let people who didn't take the vaccine to take itProtect the safe to youself and other!#pcrelationship #PCRVolunteer #CitizensNYC #covidvacccine2021 #COVID19 #vaccinated_today #volunteer #staysafeeveryonePCR 志愿者帮助当地居民克服语言障碍在纽约市流动疫苗巴士上接种疫苗。让没打疫苗的人去打保护自己和他人的安全!#pcrelationship #PCRVolunteer #CitizensNYC #covidvacccine2021 #COVID19 #vaccinated_today#volunteer #staysafeeveryone
PCR volunteers helping local residents overcome the language barrier Get vaccinated at NYC mobile vaccine buses. Let people who didn't take the vaccine to take itProtect the safe to youself and other!#pcrelationship #PCRVolunteer #CitizensNYC #covidvacccine2021 #COVID19 #vaccinated_today #volunteer #staysafeeveryonePCR 志愿者帮助当地居民克服语言障碍在纽约市流动疫苗巴士上接种疫苗。让没打疫苗的人去打保护自己和他人的安全!#pcrelationship #PCRVolunteer #CitizensNYC #covidvacccine2021 #COVID19 #vaccinated_today#volunteer #staysafeeveryone