PCR Help get the vaccine ! / PCR 帮助接种疫苗 !Oct 2, 2021PCR volunteers distributed over 1000 bottles of hand sanitizers to local residents and provided translations for them to help them get vaccinated at NYC mobile vaccine buses!! #PCRVolunteer #CitizensNYC #COVID19 #keepsafe #covidoutreach #VaccinateNY #GetVaccinated #PCRVolunteer #pcrelationship #vacationPCR 志愿者向当地居民分发了 1000 多瓶洗手液,并为他们提供翻译,帮助他们在纽约市流动疫苗巴士上接种疫苗!! 👏👏💪💪#PCRVolunteer #CitizensNYC#COVID19 #keepsafe #covidoutreach #VaccinateNY #GetVaccined #PCRVolunteer #pcrelationship #vacation
PCR volunteers distributed over 1000 bottles of hand sanitizers to local residents and provided translations for them to help them get vaccinated at NYC mobile vaccine buses!! #PCRVolunteer #CitizensNYC #COVID19 #keepsafe #covidoutreach #VaccinateNY #GetVaccinated #PCRVolunteer #pcrelationship #vacationPCR 志愿者向当地居民分发了 1000 多瓶洗手液,并为他们提供翻译,帮助他们在纽约市流动疫苗巴士上接种疫苗!! 👏👏💪💪#PCRVolunteer #CitizensNYC#COVID19 #keepsafe #covidoutreach #VaccinateNY #GetVaccined #PCRVolunteer #pcrelationship #vacation