PCR Delivery of anti-epidemic supplies / PCR 派送防疫用品!Oct 2, 2021We distributed hand sanitizers sponsored by UA3 to over 50 small businesses in our community and shared essential pandemic-related information through flyers and translations. Let’s keep NYC safe! #pcrelationship #PCRVolunteer #CitizensNYC #covid #keepsafeNY #communityservice我们向社区中的 50 多家小型企业分发了由 UA3 赞助的洗手液并通过传单和翻译分享与流行病相关的基本信息。让我们保护纽约市的安全! #pcrelationship #PCRVolunteer #CitizensNYC #covid #keepsafeNY #communityservice
We distributed hand sanitizers sponsored by UA3 to over 50 small businesses in our community and shared essential pandemic-related information through flyers and translations. Let’s keep NYC safe! #pcrelationship #PCRVolunteer #CitizensNYC #covid #keepsafeNY #communityservice我们向社区中的 50 多家小型企业分发了由 UA3 赞助的洗手液并通过传单和翻译分享与流行病相关的基本信息。让我们保护纽约市的安全! #pcrelationship #PCRVolunteer #CitizensNYC #covid #keepsafeNY #communityservice