City is currently responding to the novel coronavirus
Dear New Yorkers, 亲爱的纽约市民,
As you are aware, the City is currently responding to the novel coronavirus, and we want to make sure that you are provided with the most up-to-date information. New York State on PAUSE is extended through 4/29. Non-essential workforce is directed to continue to work from home until at least 4/29.
纽约市目前正在积极应对新冠病毒(COVID-19),市长办公室将推出每周中文疫情社区资源和信息。州长宣布“纽约暂停居家避疫行政令“将延长至 4/29/2020.非必要行业员工必须在家上班至 4/29。
Please note the following summary and resource of COVID-19 updates as of April 11, 2020. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Xiaomin Zhao at Mayor’s Office at (646) 306-9287 or via email at 4/11/2020
疫情社区信息和资源包括以下。如果你有问题,请拨打市长社区服务办公室赵 晓敏。手机: (646) 306-9287 或是电邮:
1. Anti COVID-19 Stigma / 杜绝有关新冠肺炎 (COVID#19)的污名、偏见、歧视与仇恨
2. Education / 教育
3. Food Resource / 食物
4. Small Business / 小商家
5. Buildings & Tenants / 楼宇 & 租客
6. Health / 医疗 + 心理健康
7. Benefits / 福利申请
8. NYCHA/ 政府楼
9. Jobs / 工作机会
10. DACA / 童年入境者暂缓遣返行动 (DACA)
11. House of Worship / 宗教信仰机构
12. How to help NYC / 如何帮助纽约市
13. Others / 其它资源
(Please note: MOIA has created Resources for Immigrant Communities During COVID-19 Pandemic. Translation of this webpage will be available soon) 请注意: 市长移民事务办公室 (MOIA) 建立疫情资源综合网站, 所有市民都可以获得许多市府服务。网站也将提供中文网页翻译。详细资料请等入:
Let’s work together to put on end to bias incidents and hate stemming from #COVID-19 stigma.
让我们共同努力,杜绝有关因新冠病毒 (COVID-19)成为歧视与仇恨的源头。 CCHR, MOIA, OPHC and MOJC have created digital campaign to fight COVID-19 related harassment and hate crime in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Urdu, Bengla, Arabic,Polish, Russian, Haitian Creole and French.
市人权局 (CCHR)、市长移民事务办公室(MOIA)、市长刑事司法办公室(MOJC)、以及市长预防仇恨犯罪办公室(OPHC)开启线上社区教育,有关杜绝因新冠病毒(COVID-19)引起的歧视和仇恨。受害者可以打 311 或是 911 举报.
中文: Please help share: 5 Things You Should Know About Discriminatory Harassment Under the NYC Human Rights Law 纽约市人权法案关于 5 歧视、骚扰件应知事项 (中文版)
CCHR has released video education series on how to report COVID-19 related harassment and hate crime in the following Asian languages. 纽约市人权委员会 (CCHR) 提供以下视频社区教育,有关新冠病毒(COVID-19)引 起的歧视和仇恨的受害者可以打 311 或是 911 举报。
福州话/Fujianese dialect:
Call 311 to report any COVID-19 related discrimination to the New York City Commission on Human Rights (CCHR). Call 911 if you are a victim of or witness a hate crime.
请拨打 311 说 “Human Rights” 向纽约市人权委员会 (CCHR) 报告任何与新冠病毒COVID-19 相关的歧视。 如果您是仇恨犯罪的受害者或目击证人,请拨打 911。
Go to for more info 请登入网址索取更多有关新冠病毒(COVID-19)反歧视资料
● DOE remote learning device request 教育局为有需要的学生家庭提供免费网络和租借平板电脑 (iPad)。如有需求,请 入网址申请电子设备。
Information about school meals and remote learning /有关教育局远程学习和食物资讯:
● Information about Regional Enrichment Centers:
纽约市为坚守一线工作者、医疗工作者、运输人员和其它基本服务行业人员提供孩子看护服务 (Regional Enrichment)。
Fun at Home: The Mayor announced a free new digital platform to provide safe, fun,and entertaining virtual activities for New York City’s teens and young adults. This first-of-its-kind campaign combines city and community resources to engage teens who are at home during the COVID-19 crisis, and also provides tips to cope with the public and mental health challenges that may arise during this difficult time. For the basketball fans out there, it has a link to the NBA’s league pass for free! Fun at Home can be accessed at or texting “Fun” to 97743 to receive the latest updates on resourcesand activities.
市府推出 Fun at Home 平台,提供免费青少年有趣学习、娱乐资源、心理健康辅 导、学校资讯等资料。如果你是篮球迷,平台帮忙连接到 NBA 可以看到免费球 赛。网址 或是写 “Fun”发短信到 7743 可以收到最新资讯。
Spring Break: The NYC Department of Education will continue remote learning through Spring Recess, Thursday, April 9 through Friday, April 17, 2020.
春假:教育局将在春假期间 4/9/2020 至 4/17/2020 继续远程学习.
We know that many New Yorkers plan to observe religious holidays. Any students and school staff who individually wish to celebrate those holidays may do so. However, these days will not be considered “days off” for the school system, and remote learning activities will continue for students who are not observing the holidays.
我们知道许多市民计划遵守宗教节日。任何个别学生和学校职员可以庆祝。 但是,对于学校系统而言,这些假期将不算“放假日”,对于没有庆祝这些 假期的学生,远程学习将继续进行。
The NYC Department of Education will offer schools remote learning resources and enrichment activities for all students. Resources will include “theme” days with a focus on wellness, world languages, computer science, arts, college readiness, and more. They will also include virtual educational, and cultural resources from the City’s museums, libraries, and more.
教育局将为所有学生提供远程学习资源和丰富的活动。资源将包括“主题 日”,重点是健康、世界语言、计算机科学、艺术、大学准备程度等、它还 将包括纽约市博物馆、图书馆等线上教育和文化资源。
Activity Packets (Hard Copy) / 学习教材包裹
The DOE is mailing activity packets to families with children in grades Pre-K-5 who submitted the online request for an iPad.
如果家长在线上申请租借教育局 IPad, 在等待期间教育局有提供学前班到 小学 5 年级(pre-K5)的学习教材包裹。
These packets include 10-days' worth of lessons in different subjects. 学习包裹可包括 10 天的学习教材。教育局会邮寄到你们家。 Parents can access material for all grades, for students who need Specialized Instruction, and for multilingual learning students on the Activities for Students section on the DOE website.
的学习材料。网址: home/activities-for-students
Special Education / 特殊教育 Schools contacted families to begin making arrangements for special education programs and related services. 学校已经开始联系需要有特殊教育的家庭提供服务。
Families of students with IEPs were presented with a Special Education Remote Learning Plan, developed by the student’s special education teacher and other school-based staff with knowledge of the student.
教育局已经向有 IEP 的家庭提供“特殊教育远程学习计划” (Special Education Remote Learning Plan),该计划是由了解学生需求的特殊教育老师和其他学校职员建立的。
IEP meetings will be conducted over the phone, and parents can make a referral by emailing the principal or, or by calling 311.
IEP 会议将会通过电话执行。家长可以通过电邮校长要求 或是 电邮: 或是拨打 311 咨询
Schools will work with families to ensure that devices are provided to families of students recommended for Assistive Technology, and will contact families to make those arrangements.
如果学生被推荐需要用特殊教育辅助技术 (Assistive Technology),学校将会联系家长如何索取这些器具。
Social-Emotional Wellness 社交情感的健康
Last year, DOE announced partnership with National University System’s Sanford Harmony program to provide all elementary schools with access to a social-emotional curriculum.
去年,教育局宣布和 National University System’s Sanford Harmony 的合 作,将提供所有小学有关社交情感健康课程。
During remote learning, Sanford Harmony is offering families access to Harmony at Home, an online toolkit that provides a variety of lessons, activities, and resources to help caregivers navigate the social and emotional needs of children during this difficult time.
在家上远程课程时,Sanford Harmony 将给家庭提供 Harmony at Home, 在线上提供不同的课程、活动和资源来帮助家人应对孩子在疫情期间的 社交情感的需求。网址:
Free Online Tutoring for Students / 免费线上学生作业辅导
Through the New York Public Library, students can receive one-on-one free online homework help from one-on-one tutors, daily from 2–11 PM. Tutors are available in English and Spanish,from early elementary through high school grades, in core subject areas. Video content and other resources are also available 24 hours a day. Families will need a New York Library card to access this service, and can apply for a card here.
纽约公立图书馆给学生提供免费 1 对 1 线上作业辅导。有兴趣的家庭需要持有纽约公立图书馆卡,或 没有图书卡的可上网申请。
每天下午 2 点到 11 点。 辅导员讲英文和西班牙语 学生包括小学到高中,辅导主要学习科目 图书馆也有提供 24 小时视频和其它学习资讯
作业补习网址: brainfuse
Attendance / 学生出勤率
Schools have a system for monitoring student attendance. If your student’s school includes attendance in grade calculations, they will not include absences due to COVID-19 in their grade calculations. Moving forward, schools will not include attendance in any grade calculations for the rest of the year. Schools must base students’ grades primarily on their academic performance. Students cannot fail their courses because of absence.
● Grab and Go Expanding for All New Yorkers: In this time of historic high unemployment, we understand more New Yorkers are experiencing food insecurity for the first time. To this end, today marked the start of grab and go meals for all New Yorkers. No one is turned away, and participants are able to pick up three meals. We appreciate all of you who shared this information with you constituents. The hours are:
○ 7:30am - 11:30am for families and children ○ 11:39am - 1:30pm for adults
To find a location, text “NYCFOOD” or “COMIDA” to 877-877 or visit
从 4/3/2020 开始,所有的儿童和成人每天可以免费领取三餐。没有人会被拒之门 外。 纽约市五大行政区将会设立 435 个供餐点。 儿童和家庭可以在上午 7:30AM 11:30AM 之间取餐 成人可以在上午 7:30AM 下午 1:30PM 之间取餐 寻找您附近的供餐点, 你可以写 “Food” 发短信给 877-877 或是 登入以下
网址: ● Meals for seniors - DFTA has transitioned to 100% meal delivery, rather than grab and go, for senior center users. Seniors should call their local senior center for more information if they haven’t already received meals. They can also call DFTA's Aging Connect at 212-AGING-NYC (212-244-6469) or 311.
老人送餐服务: 纽约市老人局 (DFTA) 已经全面转向给老人中心的老人提供送餐 服务。如果您暂时没有收到送餐,请联系您原本去的老人中心要求他们帮忙登记。 获取更多信息,请拨打 (212) 244-6469。 或是拨打 311 要求连接纽约市老人局
Other Food Assistance Resource /纽约市其它有关食物服务资讯
NYC Food Delivery Assistance / 纽约市送食物服务
If you cannot leave your home to get food, do not have anyone who can bring you food, and you are not able to use private delivery options, you may be eligible to get meals delivered directly to your home.
如果你不能离开家买食物、或是没有亲戚朋友帮忙送食物、或是你无法叫私 人送食物服务,你可能符合纽约市送食物服务。
Go to or call 311 and say “Get Food” for information. 详细资料请上网: 或是拨打 311 说 “索取食物” (Get food)
We’re looking out for each other during this crisis and are ready to feed New Yorkers in need.市府会尽量提供各种办法让有需要的市民拿到食物。
SNAP online ordering: NYers can use their SNAP benefits to order online. For moreinfo head to:
持有粮食补助券 (SNAP) 可以上网订购食物:
Small Business Loans: The application for the Federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) opened on 4/3/2020 for businesses and nonprofits under 500 people. More information here. Loans for: payroll up, interest on mortgages, rent, and utility payments. The City is still providing the Small Business Continuity Fund-- loans for businesses with up to $75,000 to businesses with up to 99 employees.
小商业贷款咨询:联邦薪资保护计划(PPP)从 4/3/2020 开放申请,为雇佣 500 员工以下的小企业和非牟利组织。贷款用于可支付薪资、房贷利息、房租和水电 费。
网址: loan-resources
纽约市仍在提供“小商家持续性贷款基金”(Small Business Continuity Fund),为 员工 99 人以下的小商家,如果销售额下降 25%或更多,将有资格申请高达 75,000 元的贷款,以确保小商家的持续性。
Stop the Spread / 请配合呆在家阻止新冠病毒的传播 (中文海报):
Guidance for Employers and Employees about COVID-19 Mandates: 给雇主和员工有关纽约市阻止新冠病毒传播的工作场所法律更新 (中文法律信息海报) Laws-During-COVID-19-SimplifiedChinese.pdf
● For Tenants/Landlords - Disinfection Guidance for Buildings: 纽约市卫生健康局 (DOHMH) 提供有关楼宇和租客相关的资料。
网址: faq.pdf
● Residential Property Tax Payment Deferral Program: 疫情期间住家地税将实施减免计划、分期付款以及延迟交地税等三项政策。 详细资料请登入网址:
6. HEALTH / 医疗资讯
● As a reminder, vulnerable New Yorkers who have symptoms or questions about COVID- 19 can call 1-844-NYC-4NYC to connect with a medical provider from Health and Hospitals.
如果你有新冠病毒 (COVID-19) 症状或是疑问,可以联系纽约市公立医院咨询。 请拨打: 1-844-NYC-4NYC (1-844-692-4692)。
● Immigration Status: Please reassure your constituents who are undocumented that they will not be turned away from healthcare because of immigration status or ability to pay. Retweet:
如果你是无证移民或是有经济能力困难,你不会被拒提供新冠病毒 (COVID-19) 相 关的医疗服务。
● Health Insurance - If you have constituents who are uninsured, the NY State of Health Department recently announced a Special Enrollment Period in response to Coronavirus through 4/15/2020.
如果你现在没有医疗保险,纽约州卫生健康局 (NYS Health Department) 提供在 4/15/2020 前可以登记医保。申请资料: 请上网/Visit their website or 请拨打电话/call 1-855-355-5777 to check eligibility.
H+H visitor policy 纽约市公立医院探访政策: hero
● Mental Health Resources: This is a stressful time for New Yorkers. Resources are available for New Yorkers by contacting 1-888-NYC-WELL or Texting “WELL” to 65173.
For more information visit: ○ We’re also connecting older New Yorkers who are feeling isolated with friendly volunteers to talk with over the phone. Tell your network about the Friendly Visiting Program -- they can call 212-AGING-NYC (212-244-6469). ○
For other mental health resources, including for veterans and caregivers, visit:
疫情期间大家如有心理辅导需要的,请拨打: 888-NYC-Well (888-692-9355)或 是 发“WELL”发短信传给 65173 或是登入网址寻求帮助: o 如果老人家在家觉得孤独需要和其他人联系聊天,请拨打 212-244-6469 和 义工联系。 o 如果你是退伍军人、看护人员等可以登入索取其它心理健康资源。
More Data - We know you have asked for more data about COVID cases. DOHMH has added different breakdowns of the available data to their website in an effort to be as transparent as possible. Please note, the numbers are constantly changing, and there is sometimes a lag
纽约市健康卫生局(DOHMH) 提供有关新冠病毒 (COVID-19) 案例分类数据资料包 括:案例、死亡、住院、邮区:
○Big City Emergency Managers Data Tracker (new)
○ Case counts (including age, gender and borough breakdown)
○ Deaths (including age, gender and borough breakdown along with pre-existing conditions)
○ Hospitalizations (including age, gender, and borough breakdown)
○ Emergency Department Surveillance (date by age group)
○ Percent of patients testing positive by zip code
Family Justice Centers: While the centers are physically closed, anyone can call any of our borough centers for help with safety planning, mental health and planning, legal help, or help in connecting to law enforcement agencies.
For more information please visit: or call our 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-621-4673.
纽约市家庭司法中心 (Family Justice Centers) 在疫情期间办公室关闭,但仍然继续 提供安全庇护服务包括:安全计划、心理治疗服务、法律援助、或是联系相关的市 府部门。
请登入网址索取资料: 请拨打 24 小时家暴热线: 1-800-621-4673
7. BENEFITS / 福利申请
The City has created a website for coronavirus information: 市府建立一个综合疫情网站可以收索所有有关疫情服务的信息。 网址
SNAP: Anyone who may be eligible for SNAP or cash assistance can sign up from home by visiting ACCESS HRA.
SNAP online ordering: NYers can use their SNAP benefits to order online. For more info head to:
持有粮食补助券 (SNAP) 可以上网订购食物:
● The State Department of Labor created this chart to guide individuals seeking unemployment benefits after passage of the federal CARES Act. The Act provides enhanced Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) for New Yorkers.
纽约州劳工部 (NYS Department of Labor) 建立了这个图表来引导大家如何申请“联 邦关怀法案”(CARES Act) 中的失业金。 该法案为纽约市民提供了更强的失业保 险(Unemployment Insurance, 简称 UI)福利和全球大流行性病毒失业援助 (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, 简称 PUA)。网址如下:
请注意:因为大量在线申请纽约州老工局失业金,造成网站系统崩溃。州长将建立 新系统,申请者将不必再打电话给纽约州老工局,将有纽约州老工局致电申请者。
The Unemployment Benefits and Health Insurance FAQ also provides guidance for those recently unemployed due to COVID-19. 失业福利和健康保险常见问题解答为最近因为新冠病毒导致失业的人提供指南。
● Benefits available for New Yorkers - We’ve created a visual representation of eligibility for various government benefits called “I’ve been affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19). What are some of the benefits I may be eligible for?” You can find it online here: Monitor for ongoing updates about workplace laws as NYC seeks to stop the spread of COVID-19
纽约市建立线上福利申请资格表,以显示申请各种政府福利的资格。 表格名叫“我受到新冠病毒(COVID-19)的影响,我可以申请哪些政府福利?”
网址: 你可以去
查看有关纽约市试图阻止 COVID-19 传播的工作场所法 律的最新信息。
● Services for folks in need:
● People with disabilities: reach out on Twitter to @NYCDisabilities, 311 or visit or connect via video phone at 646-396-5830.
残障人人士服务:可跟踪推特 @NYCDisabilities 拨打 311 或是登入网址 或是拨打视频电话 (646) 396-5830
● Seasonal Jobs at NYCHA: NYCHA is currently hiring temporary workers to assist with maintenance at our properties throughout the city. The job will last as needed throughout the spring season at a rate of $15/hour. For more info and to apply, your constituents who are NYCHA residents can contact their local NYCHA Property Management Office. Click here for more details.
政府楼在春季有提供暂时工作机会来帮忙楼宇维修,工薪每小时 $15 元。如果你 是政府楼居民你可以联系你所在区域的政府楼管理办公室。点击这里来了解更多讯 息。
● NYCHA - NYCHA’s journal has information about how they are responding to COVID- 19. There is this flyer for hardship reductions for NYCHA residents struggling to pay rent.
政府楼 - 政府楼日志中包含有关他们如何回应新冠病毒的信息。 请点击这本传单为有经济 困难付房租的居民提供帮助。
9. Workers/Jobs /工作机会
● Jobs - The City's Workforce1 Career Center launched a Virtual Center (or call 718-960- 2458) to help New Yorkers prepare for, and connect to, jobs across New York City's five boroughs and in every sector of the economy. Current employment opportunities include Stop & Shop, Fresh Direct & PBM Guardian Industry Services.
纽约市就业指导中心 (Workforce1) 启动了一个虚拟中心(或致电 718-960-2458)帮 助市民和经济各个领域的工作提供培训与联系。 当前的就业机会包括 Stop & Shop, Fresh Direct 和 PBM Guardian 工业服务。 ● TLC Driver Jobs: 出租车和轿车委员会 (TLC) 请有 TLC 驾照的司机,工薪每小时 $15。
● State List of Essential Business/Services: 疫情期间纽约州“必要商业和服务可持续 运营名单” (essential business/services) under-new-york-state-pause-executive-order
● Report Labor Issues: please contact 311, the Attorney General’s office at (212) 416- 8700 or via email at
报告劳工问题:可以打 311,或者联系州总检查官的办公室,电话(212)416-8700, 或发邮件到
● Free Citibike / 疫情期间免费 Citi Bike(花旗单车)详细资讯请登入网址:
10. DACA / 童年入境者暂缓遣返行动 (DACA)
: For help renewing your application call MOIA’s ActionNYC at 1-800-354-0365 (we may even be able to help you out with the renewal fee).
童年入境者暂缓遣返行动 (DACA):如果你需要 DACA 续期帮忙,请拨打市长移 民事务办公室(MOIA) 的“纽约行动法律援助”(ActionNYC)。 电话:1-800-354-0365 (如果你有经济困难,办公室也可能帮忙申请费用协助。
11. House of Worship / 宗教信仰机构
Houses of Worship: Please Do Not Assemble for Services 宗教信仰机构:请勿集会参加礼拜。
We know that many New Yorkers plan to observe religious holidays. We ask that faith institutions do not assemble for services. Non-essential gatherings are not permitted. 我们知道许多市民仍计划遵守宗教节日,我们要求信仰机构不要聚众举行礼拜。不允许进行非必要的聚会。 Houses of worship are encouraged to use digital conferencing tools and related technology. Social distancing should be practiced when recording: individuals should stay at least six feet away from each other.
This guidance remains in place through all religious observances to keep everyone safe.遵守所有宗教活动的指南以确保所有人的安全。
12.HOW TO HELP NYC /如何帮助纽约市
● Individuals and organizations can donate money, medical supplies, or Personal Protective Equipment for front line workers. Visit the Help Now NYC webpage for more information.
个人和组织可以为前线工作者捐赠钱、医疗用品、或个人防护设备。详细资料请登入网 址: Help Now NYC webpage
13.Others / 其它资讯
● Map of Essential Construction: DOB has created a new map tool that identifies essential or emergency construction sites which are allowed to continue working to help implement the ban on non-essential construction:
在疫情州长“居家庇疫行政令”下,市楼宇局 (DOB) 建立一个新的线上查询可知 哪些建设工程和紧急工程是可以在这期间运营的。
● Non-Injury Collision Pilot: To save resources particularly during the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, NYPD is expanding its Staten Island non-injury collision pilot citywide, beginning Monday, Aril 6. This means that vehicle collisions resulting only in property damage are not required to be reported to the police. Instead, drivers exchange information and file a report with the Department of Motor Vehicles online, rather than having to wait for the NYPD to respond. The pilot demonstrated increased response times to more serious collisions, a decrease in 911 calls, and reduced traffic. More information here.
无伤者车祸:从 4/6/2020 开始,在疫情期间,为了节省警察局的人源,911 将屏蔽 和转移任何有关“无伤者撞车事故”的电话,这是扩大了去年在史登岛的为期六个 月的试点项目。例如如果你有“无伤者非紧急撞车导致车损坏”发生,不需要报警 等警察来登记撞车报告。车主可以互相交换资料,然后登入纽约州交通局 (DMV) 网址报告 “无伤者车祸”。这一政策将减少回应非紧急事故的 911 呼叫,让警察更 加关注与严重相关的紧急呼叫,减少警力负担和改善交通堵塞。
● NYC COVID-19 Engagement Portal: DOITT has developed a portal, as a new tool to help guide the City’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The portal is available in 11 languages and allows New Yorkers to self-report COVID-19 information and will help New York City both better communicate with affected people and identify areas that may need enhanced response. Inputs are confidential. People without internet access or who need help, can call 311.
纽约市信息技术和通讯部门 (DOITT) 建立一个网站,作为一个新工具来帮忙知道 纽约市对新冠病毒的反应。该网址提供 11 种语言版本,并允许市民自我报告新冠 病毒的信息,并将帮助市府与受影响的人更加容易沟通,并确定可能需要帮忙的领 域。输入的内容是保密的。无法上网的或是需要帮助的人请拨打 311.
● Text 'COVID' to 692-692 to get important COVID-19 related updates sent straight to your phone. You can text 'COVIDESP' to get updates in Spanish.
请你写 “COVID” 发短信给 692-692,你将得到有关市府新冠病毒的最新英文资 讯。如需西班牙语资讯,请写 “COVIDESP” 发短信给 692-692
● General FAQ website from DOHMH: 纽约市健康卫生局 (DOHMH) 有关新冠病毒 的资讯(有中文资料)
● OATH: NYC Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH) 负责全市各执法机构发布 的涉嫌违规案件进行听证会,例如卫生局、消费局和计程车管理局机构。如果你有 OATH 罚单或是听证会,请上网参与或是要求听证会。
NYCEM pets planning / 如果你有宠物,请登入网址索取最新资讯: